Bird / Sula dactylatra
Masked Booby
Publications that mention Masked Booby in relation to Kutch
- First record of Masked Booby Sula dactylatra from Kachchh, IndiaS Munjpara, A Potter, P Solanki, J Tak - IndianBIRDS 4 (3), 2008 - indianbirds.in
- RECENT RECORDS OF MASKED BOOBY (Sula dactylatra) ALONG THE WESTERN COAST OF INDIAR KASAMBE - Newsletter for Birdwatchers, 2010 - researchgate.net
Related papers
- Seabird observations off the western coast of IndiaA Gandhe - Indian Birds, 2014 - indianbirds.in
- A record of a Brown Booby Sula leucogaster off the Nivati coast, Maharashtra, IndiaA Jamalabad - Indian Birds, 2013 - indianbirds.in
- A bibliography of pelagic ornithology from South Asia: 1847–2011A Pittie - Indian BIRDS, 2011 - indianbirds.in
- Avian fauna of Kadalundi-Vallikkunnnu Community Reserve, West Coast of IndiaKM AARIF, PK PRASADAN, SVA HAMEED… - 2017 - researchgate.net
- Coastal and Marine Bird Communities of IndiaC Sivaperuman, C Venkatraman - Marine Faunal Diversity in India, 2015 - Elsevier
- Notes on Indian rarities—1: SeabirdsJ Praveen, R Jayapal, A Pittie - Indian Birds, 2013 - indianbirds.in
- Indian BirdsHS Sangha, SB Palkar, VD Katdare, RJ Lovalekar… - 2009 - indianbirds.in
- Notes on Indian rarities-2: waterfowl, diving waterbirds, and gulls and ternsJ Praveen, R Jayapal, A Pittie - Indian Birds, 2014 - indianbirds.in
- Rare birds in Iran in the late 1960s and 1970sDA Scott - Podoces, 2008 - academia.edu
- A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010A Pittie - Indian BIRDS, 2010 - indianbirds.in
- Index to Volume 103CD Ankney, DG Dennis, N Lisa, E Terry - The Auk, 1986 - sora.unm.edu
- An annotated list of tick (Acari: Ixodida) common names authored by Harry Hoogstraal (1917–1986)RG Robbins, TL Carpenter - Systematic and Applied Acarology, 2011 - BioOne
- Index to Volume 65B Albatross - sora.unm.edu
- A Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and BangladeshB Grewal, G Bhatia - 2017 - books.google.com
- Biodiversity 101M Laverty, E Sterling, A Chiles, G Cullman - 2008 - books.google.com
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